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These are optional but also important lessons
Get tips to decide where you should splurge and where you should save.
Quality vs Cost
When you’re mapping out the best route to collecting retirement income, there’ll be several forks in the road. But you can arm yourself with knowledge to make informed decisions.
Transitioning to Retirement
How much mortgage can you afford? Find out with our mortgage affordability calculator! Learn about key factors like DTI and credit score to understand your mortgage affordability.
Mortgage Affordability Calculator
Refinancing can help you get out of debt quicker or pay less in interest if everything lines up.
Reasons to Refinance

50/30/20 Rule

7 min read
A simple, practical rule for a budget that's easy to implement.
50/30/20 Rule
Learning Reward
3 Min Activity
Reward Quiz
After you’ve finished the task above, take this short quiz. Answer 4 out of 5 questions to pass.